Roise Laurel Scroll

Roise Laurel Scroll

Saito Takauji

When the sun is rolled up, when the stars are dimmed, and when the mountains are set in motion[1], then shall the Mamlakat al-Saqr take stock of their deeds. Those who have brought honor to the Falcon shall be honored, their names limned in the tapestry of the stars. One whose name shall be recorded in eternity is Roise inghean ui Ruaidhri, daughter of the Swan and steward of the Hammer. She has received the good word of wisdom, and been elevated by her righteous deeds.[2]

Sultan David Khan, Commander of the Falcon, demands justice and fair dealing as is expected of all.[3] Sultana Rhianwen Hanim, Keeper of the Sacred Regalia[4] and Thrice Honored, holds forth the scales and demands none make deficient the balance.[5] They have heard the words of the people and the seekers of wisdom of their Kingdom. Together they declare:

“O ye faithful of the Falcon, bring forth the lady Roise. Clad her in the hi’lat of the Laurel, and place upon her the medallion of the Order. For she has been a seeker too, and not content to rest when weary. Evergreen her work and deeds, and ever green shall be the leaves upon her brow.”

Thus, they sealed it by the planets and their dance, by the night that descends, and by the dawn that softly breathes,[6] on the 15th of Rajab, in the 1,445th year since the Hijrah.

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Sultan                                                                                     Sultana

[1] Quran 81.

[2] Cf. Quran 35:10.

[3] Quran 16:90.

[4] A reference to Rhainwen’s years as Keeper of the Kingdom Regalia.

[5] Cf. Quran 55:7-9.

[6] Quran 81.

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