Ayisha bint Asad – Order of Defense

Ayisha bint Asad Defense Ceremony

Researched and Written by Saito Takauji

Introduction and Notes:

For her Laurel, Ayisha’s ceremony was based on Safavid dynasty guild heads and nobility. For her elevation to the Order of Defense, we turn to the structure of the Safavid military instead. Within the Safavid military administration there was a position known as a Qurchi-bashi. This was the commander of the Royal Bodyguard, which itself was known as the Qurchi. In the Laurel ceremony, the Qurchi-bashi was the Chivalry speaker standing in as a kind of ‘head’ of the Chivalry. But on further research this position seems equally appropriate for the Order of Defense, given in period there wasn’t really a distinction in martial activities the same as in the SCA. This bodyguard corps also seems to better reflect the position of the Order of Defense, as compared to the position of Darugha which was used in the previous ceremony but seems to have been more administrative than military.

This ceremony is, therefore, framed as the elevation of a hero from the battlefield to a position of leadership in the Qurchi the Kingdom of Calontir.

As noted in the previous ceremony regarding the royal titles used: The King’s titles were easy: Shahanshah is King of Kings and was widely used during the Safavid dynasty, as was Padishah—literally ‘Lord King’ or ‘Master King’. The title for Queen was more difficult to select. Khanum is more Turkish and Mongol and while used by the Safavids frequently represents a less exalted rank than a true Queen; Banbishn is used much earlier; and Shahbanu is used much earlier and then is primarily associated with the last Empress of Iran Farah Pahlavi. Banbishn and Khatun are used to try to come to a balance of historicity and importance.  

This ceremony is not an adaptation of an extant period one, but an attempt to use as much Safavid culture and structure as possible while presenting an SCA Laurel ceremony.


  • Padishah: Master King
  • Shahanshah: King of Kings
  • Banbishn: Queen of Queens
  • Khatun: A high ranking royal woman.
  • Snef/Asnaf: A guild/guilds.
  • Ostad: A Master artisan.
  • Naqib: The deputy head of a guild.
  • Qurchi-Bashi: The General of the Royal Bodyguard Corps. Equal in rank to the Sipahsalar.
  • Kadkoda: The head of a guild in a city. While theoretically a lower rank than the government appointed Bashi of a guild, the Kadkoda was chosen by the Guild and better represents the partially self-selecting nature of the Laurel.
  • Nazir: The Court Minister, highest post within the Royal household.
  • Vizier: Government minister, including the Grand Vizier who functioned as Prime Minister.
  • Sipahsalar: Commander in Chief of the Safavid military. Used at times in place of or alongside Amir-al-Omara (lit. prince of princes or supreme commander). This title is being used instead to avoid the royal connotations of the other.


Iran Chamber Society, Iranian Calendar Converter, https://www.iranchamber.com/calendar/converter/iranian_calendar_converter.php.

M.A.S. Abdel Haleem (trans.), The Qur’an, Oxford World’s Classics (2016).

Encyclopaedia Britannica, Safavid Dynasty, February 28 2023. https://www.britannica.com/topic/Safavid-dynasty.

Encyclopaedia Britannica, Shah, September 9 2022. https://www.britannica.com/topic/shah.

Encyclopaedia Iranica, Army iii. Safavid Period, December 30 2022. https://www.iranicaonline.org/articles/army-iii.

Encyclopaedia Iranica, Amir-al-Omara, December 30, 2012. https://iranicaonline.org/articles/amir-al-omara

Abu Hamid Muhammad ibn Muhammad, at-Tusiyy al-Gazzaliy, F.R.C. Badgley (trans.), Jalal Huma’i (trans.), and H.D. Isaacs (trans.), Ghazali’s Book of Counsel for Kings (Nasihat al-Muluk), Oxford University Press (1964).

Muhammad ibn al-Husayn al-Sulami, Kitab al-Futuwwah (translated as ‘The Book of Sufi Chivalry’), Inner Traditions International (New York, 1983).

Dramatis Personae:


Note: Lines in italics are stage directions, and should be followed but not read outloud.


The royal court begins seated, their Majesties attended as normal. JOACHIM enters with several other rapier fighters, who bow at the edge of court. JOACHIM walks forward.

JOACHIM: Oh my Shahanshah! Oh my Banbishn! News has come from the battlefield. The siege has been defeated, and the city is saved. A hero is being proclaimed by the warriors—she was patient, and steadfast in her defense, and fate has been with her.[1] She has met the enemy in battle, and turned not her back on them.[2] The Qurchi seek to escort her into the glory of your presence, and induct her into our ranks.

ROBERT: For one who has defended our city and served our royal ancestors, there is no reward we would deny her. Is she the one of whom we spoke before, renown for her swift sword and keen defense?

JOACHIM: She is, oh King of Kings.

MAGGE: Is she prepared for the trials of life in our royal guard? Has she sought the wisdom of her peers, the guidance of the people, and the truth of all things?

JOACHIM: She has, oh Queen of Queens.

ROBERT: Then let her be proclaimed, her banners displayed, and let the court see the one whose sword has served us so loyally for so many years. And bring with her those who would speak for her, adorn her, and see her appointed.

MAGGE: But first let our order of the Qurchi be brought forth that they might be prepared to receive their new sister, if she be worthy.

DIRK: Robert, Padashah-i-Calontir and Shahanshah, and Magge Khatun, Banbishn, invite their Order of the Qurchi to attend their court and these proceedings. Let all swords be sheathed in the peace of the King of Kings and Queen of Queens before the Falcon throne.

The Order of Defense enters court, and arrays themselves before the thrones, but to the sides—leaving a clear path between the crown and the candidate.

Once the Order is arrayed, DIRK continues.

DIRK: No peer may be made without the judgment of the peerage, the Kingdom, and the truth. Let those who would speak justice and wisdom enter the court of the most exalted.

The SPEAKERS (Peerage Orders, Royal, and Populace) process in order—Chivalry, Laurel, Pelican, Defense, Royal, Populace. Their banners are ROLLED UP, but carried prominently so that they are seen by the crowd.

DIRK: By order of the Falcon throne, the shadow of righteousness upon the land[3]and those who award justice[4], is Ayisha bint Asad summoned in glory and for judgment.

Ayisha and her entourage (including speakers) process in with their banners and all ceremony.

JOACHIM stops the processional at the edge of Court.

JOACHIM: Mu’allima Ayisha. You stand a member of the exalted Order of Calligraphers, and have been raised as Ostad and Kadkoda both. None can doubt your commitment to the Kingdom. But now you stand to be judged for my order, the Defenders of the Kingdom. You may withdraw if there is fear in your heart, or if you do not wish to live as much by the sword as you have by the quill. Do you wish to proceed?

AYISHA (presumably) signals her assent. JOACHIM steps forward, and removes the TABARD.

JOACHIM: Then prepare to hear the wisdom of the thrones and all those who serve, you who would be my sister of the blade, and know that we await you at the end. For remember—you have had courage put in your heart, and justice is with those who have courage.[5]

Ayisha advances to the pillows, and either kneels or waits standing.

ROBERT: Who will be called to speak and judge this candidate, so worthy in one order, to see if she is worthy of a second?

JOACHIM: Sir NAME to speak on behalf of the warriors and the Sipahsalar.

NOTE: As each speaker is called, they step forward. They first UNFURL their BANNER, displaying the image on it, and then speak to Ayesha. When they are done they step back, keeping their banners displayed. By the end, the hall will be full of displayed banners. If they need to move toward the outside of the area to avoid blocking a view, or move back for the same, they should do so.

The Chivalry speaker advances

CHIVALRY SPEAKER: Hear the teachings of our order. Fear only that which all good people must fear, and never the unjust; keep faith and trust with all who come to you in honesty; stand not idle; think not highly of yourself, for you are a servant of the people; speak truth, right wrongs, and counsel mercy. We wear a sash or belt of pure white to remind us of these ideals; you will wear a collar of white for the same. And I know you will follow them, for you are worthy.[6]

Chivalry speaker says other words as appropriate.

JOACHIM: MASTER/MISTRESS <NAME>, Kadkoda of the Laurel, to speak for that Order.

LAUREL SPEAKER: Hear the teachings of our order. Tend first to your faults, before those of others; rejoice in the privilege of education and its use for the people; reject not a novice for their faults, but counsel them in their growth; seek only harmony between those like siblings, never discord. You wear the wreath of our order, a sign of growth—we know you will follow these teachings, for you are worthy.[7]

Laurel speaker says other words as appropriate.

JOACHIM: MASTER/MISTRESS <NAME>, Vizier of the Order of the Pelican, to speak for that Order.

PELICAN SPEAKER: Hear the teachings of our Order. To lower your state by making demands on others is demeaning to the spirit; seek satisfaction in what can be done, even if it is not all of what should be done; visit those who do not visit you, give to those who do not give to you, respond with kindness and good deeds to the harm that is done to you.[8] We have seen your sacrifice for the Kingdom. We know you will follow these teachings, for you are worthy.

Pelican speaker says other words as appropriate.

JOACHIM: And for our Order, Master <NAME>, to stand as Qurchin-Bashi of the Order of Defense of the Kingdom.

DEFENSE SPEAKER: Hear the teachings of our Order, that which you would join. Prefer the well-being and comfort of your fellows over your own and relieve their discomfort.[9] Protect the rights of your neighbor, defend the justice of the land, and strike when you must strike; but never in anger, or retribution. We are those who defend—the last sword to save the people from ruin. But we have seen your swift sword, and we know you are worthy.

Defense speaker says other words as appropriate.

JOACHIM: For the Nazir, who have served the crown most closely, TITLE NAME.

ROYAL SPEAKER: We are not an Order, but those who have been given opportunity to serve in the highest role. We have carried the burden of the Kingdom on our shoulders, put our honor alongside that of the people, and served all. None of that may be done without those who would help us shoulder the responsibility—for that is the job of a peer, to make the burden of the crown lighter rather than heavier. But we know you will serve this truth, for you are worthy.

Royal speaker says other words as appropriate.

JOACHIM: And for the people who you will defend, TITLE NAME.

POPULACE SPEAKER: We too are no order. We are those with many titles or none; with many awards, or none. We are those who you would lead, serve, protect, and honor. Those for whom you should put aside self-advancement, turn not away in pride and never walk by in insolence.[10] For without us the dream is but dancing sand upon the wind or the dew in the morning, gone in the moment you seek it. But we know you will serve this truth, for you are worthy.

Populace speaker says other words as appropriate.

JOACHIM: Your Majesties, the ancient forms have been obeyed; the traditions of the Kingdom followed. Your Order stands again and asks: Add Ayisha to our Order, that we may be strengthened in your sight.

KING: Ayisha, the wages of the Qurchi are toil and service. Will you take this payment, such as it is?

AYISHA: I will.

QUEEN: As a member of this Order you will be respected, but responsible—to the Crown, to your peers, and to the people. Will you accept this honor, and this burden.

AYISHA: I will.

KING: Then you will be adorned as a member of this Order before you are sealed to its service. Is there a Medallion?

MEDALLION GIVER: There is, your Majesty. Three swords are born upon this medallion, the symbol of the Qurchi in all the Laurel kingdoms. They are crossed to bar the way, or to support one another; may you always bear it in such honorable fashion.

Medallion giver speaks other words as appropriate.

QUEEN: Is there a robe and hat as befits her station?

Robe and Hat givers step forward.

ROBE GIVER: In our Kingdom are peers known in part by the robe or coat they bear. It is a lantern in the night, that all may know light may still be found in the dark; it is a service to your own body, to keep you warm in the cold. May you wear it in pleasure and honor, always.

Robe giver speaks other words as appropriate.

HAT GIVER: This too is a sign and a service. In your lands and many others, hats or caps denote rank. May it bring you warmth and comfort, and a signal to the world that when they have need you may be found to fill it.

Hat giver speaks other words as appropriate.

KING: She is to be sworn to the service of the sword, as she has dedicated so many years before. Is there a sword for her to bear in this exalted order?

SWORD GIVER: Imam Ali bore in his hand Zulfiqar, that famous forked blade. The splitter of one man from another, the differentiator of right and wrong. Bear this sword in imitation of that example, to split wrong from right that truth may always prevail.

Sword giver speaks other words as appropriate.

QUEEN: One final sign is the gloves. I ask they be brought forth and given to us, for the final symbol of her order.

GLOVE GIVER: These are to preserve your hands from the damage of your own blade, to help you wield it more surely, and as a sign of your honor.

Glove giver speaks other words as appropriate, and then presents the gloves to the Queen.

Queen: There are two gloves.  The left glove is for the hand closest to the heart. It, like the heart, represents love: Your love for your art, for this Kingdom, and its people. Never forget that love and the joy it brings, and your service will never flag.

King: The right glove represents the right hand, which for many is the hand of strength and sure action. It is also, traditionally, the hand of fidelity. With it a foundation may be built, both of stone and of honor with your fellow. If you forget either, your skill will whither and fail you; if you stay strong and true, it never will.

Queen:  Together the gloves are symbol of favor, and a symbol of challenge. On the belt, they show that you are made a Peer of this Order. On the ground, they call you to pick it up and rise to the challenge.

The Queen throws the gloves on the ground.

Queen: There is a challenge before you, Mistress Ayisha. Will you take it and rise to the challenge of a member of this Order?

Ayisha picks it up.

KING: Peerage is a transformation. You have chosen to be transformed, and we will see it done. Kneel as you are, and rise as you shall be. No one’s condition may change until their heart has changed, and it is by this that your heart shall be changed.

AYISHA kneels.

KING: Reject all evil, and you will have grasped the most trustworthy handhold, that never breaks.[11]

KING places his scepter on Ayisha’s shoulder.

KING: May your skills be ever increased in service to Crown and Kingdom.

QUEEN:  Encourage good, forbid evil, and believe in the people.[12]


QUEEN: May your gentle demeanor serve always as an example of courtesy to all who would observe you.


CROWN (TOGETHER): And may your spirit ever follow the goals your heart sets before you.

KING: An oath was sworn as a Laurel, but it cannot bind your heart as a member of the Qurchi.

QUEEN: Let a new oath be sworn, to encompass these new duties and your new honor.

AYISHA: By my sword and honor, I swear that I will seek the truth of all matters before me; to defend the Crown, the Kingdom, and all true subjects of these lands; to support the ideals and customs of the Laurel Kingdoms and Calontir; and to ever stand in its defense, protecting the innocent, guarding the just and right, and striving ever to be worthy of the Qurchi and the faith placed in me this day. So swear I, Ayisha bint Asad.

KING and QUEEN swear the standard fealty response.

KING: Arise. Calontir, your newest Companion of the Order of Defense!

Pause for applause.

QUEEN: Herald, please read the scroll.

[1] C.f. Quran 8:46.

[2] C.f. Quran 8:15.

[3] C.f. Nasihat al-Maluk at 45.

[4] Id., at 46.

[5] C.f. Quran 8, generally.

[6] Adapted from Muhammad ibn al-Husayn al-Sulami, Kitab al-Futuwwah.

[7] Id.

[8] Id.

[9] Id.

[10] Quran 7:205.

[11] Quran 2:256 (adapted).

[12] Quran 3:110 (adapted).

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