The Kingdom of Calontir is a land situated in the middle of a sea of golden wheat. It is a delightful, merry land, known to many who have traveled to the holiest sites in the laurel realms: The fields of Gulf, the War of the Phoenix, and greatest of all the Debatable Lands of Pennsic. King over all this glory was Orren, and his fair Queen Lyra; and together they maintained themselves in great state with jousting, tourneying, and travelling.
Word came to them of one who had been visited by Lady Fortune, who sought to bestow one of six virtues to the worthy: Wisdom, Riches, Strength, Health, Beauty, and Long Life. And word also came of Ritter Aiden O’Seaghdha, who stood apart from the crowd in choosing Wisdom; and by so doing was able to bring to all Calontir the gifts of Beauty, Riches, Strength, and the long life that is immortality through art and memory.
So did Orren and Lyra call before them their stalwart ritter, wise artisan, and worthy servant, and with him the Order of the Calon Lily that he might be joined with them in the search for truth. Now might he forever be among those who choose wisdom before all, knowing it can never be stolen, and brings forth those other gifts inexorably.
Done on the __ day of ________________________, in memory of the blessed Lady Fortune and the sight of all Calontir.
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König Königin
(Based on Fortunatus, a 15th-16th century German proto-novel about a young nobleman who chose Riches instead of Wisdom. The proto-novel taught an important lesson regarding wealth over wisdom, as it caused him both fortune and misfortune in his life before subsequently destroying his children’s lives. Here, Aiden is shown to have made the more correct choice, and is lauded for it)