Taisiia Pelican Ceremony

Taisiia Pelican Ceremony

Researched and Written by Saito Takauji

Introduction and Notes:

Taisiia requested a ceremony that was Russian, included a processional with her awards and dates being recited, and which did not include any elements reminiscent of a trial or judgment. The goal, therefore, is a Russian celebration and recognition of an elevated noble. Pure joy, no judgment.

The ceremony takes elements from multiple Russian sources, bringing in parts from both Novgorod and Moscow. It therefore represents a broad “Russian-ness” which wouldn’t really have existed in period, but which hopefully feels sufficiently baked in Russian culture for the worthy recipient.

The ceremony posits the Peerage of Calontir as part of the Sovet Gospod, the Council of Lords present in Novgorod and Pskov, approving the appointment by the Tsar of a new member of their council. This is accompanied by joyous testimony from the members of the Gospod, and affirmation by a representative of the Veche.

Note that some modern scholarship debates the extent of the Veche and especially the true existence of the Sovet Gospod, based on the shaky nature of some of the sources. However, traditional scholarship in the field has supported their existence, and this ceremony proceeds with the traditional view. In this, the ceremony also leans somewhat on the Zemsky Sobor or Council of the Land established by Ivan the Terrible in 1549, and the traditional Boyar duma; the duma are here imagined as councils within the Gospod. The title of Sovet Gospod is used because its translation of ‘Council of Nobles’ is too perfect an analogue for the Peerage.

The majority of Old Russian literature is religious, and Taisiia requested a not particularly religious ceremony, so very little of it has been included. Any and all religious references have been sufficiently ‘filed down’ to appear literary rather than doctrinal.


Boyar: Master

Boyarina: Mistress

Duma: Council

Dvoryanka: Lady

Knaiginia: Countess or Duchess

Sovet Gospod: Council of Lords, the executive chamber of the Veche.

Streltsy: The Russian standing army formed under Ivan IV (the Terrible).

Tsar: King (Emperor)

Tsaritsa: Queen

Tsarevich: Prince

Tsarevna: Princess

Veche: A legislative assembly in Novgorod which initially represented the whole city, but was later equivalent to the House of Commons.


Veche, Encyclopaedia Britannica, https://www.britannica.com/topic/veche.

Pavel V. Lukin, The Veche and the ‘Council of Lords’ in Medieval Novgorod: Hanseatic and Russian Data, 41 Russian History 4 (2014).

The Orthodox Study Bible, Thomas Nelson (February 26, 2008).

Petr Sergeevič Stefanovič, Der Eid des Adels gegenüber dem Herrscher im mittelalterlichen Rußland, Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas (2005). (Abstract in English).

Dramatis Personae:

KING: Robert
QUEEN: Magge
PEER: Issabell St. Charles
ROYAL HERALD:Johann Steinersson


Lines in italics are stage directions, and are not to be read out loud.

JOHANN: To all subjects of the Falcon Throne comes the voice of the Great Sovereign of the Lands of Calontir, Robert the First and Magge, Tsar and Tsaritsa of all Calontir, of Forgotten Sea, and Vatavia, and Three Rivers, and Coeur d’Ennui, and Lonely Tower, and Mag Mor, and of all the Shires, Cantons, Colleges, and all the people of the Falcon. They call before them the Gospod of Calontir, specifically those of the Duma of the Pelican, to approve a petition brought forward by one of their number.

The Order of the Pelican enters court, and array themselves around the throne. Duchess Issabell processes in with them, as a member of the Gospod and the Chamber of the Pelican.

JOHANN: The Tsar and Tsaritsa acknowledge the request of Knaiginia Issabell St. Charles, to speak on the elevation of a noble of her house to the ranks of this body.

Issabell rises, and approaches the throne.

ISSABELL: My Tsar and Tsaritsa, for long years I have watched a noble of my household grow in service. Practicing the noble arts, arranging tournaments for the pleasure of your Majesties and your predecessors, and laboring for the good of all. She has shown by her conduct that her works are done in the meekness of wisdom. I again nominate Dvoryanka Taisiia Sazhina Vasiliskova to the Duma of the Pelican of the Gospod of Calontir.

ROBERT: Her works are known to us, and her service dear.

MAGGE: We know her to be free of envy and self-seeking, pure in her actions.

ORREN: We have seen that she is peaceable, gentle, and full of mercy.

LYRA: We have benefitted from the good fruits of her work, which have been shared without partiality or hypocrisy.

ROBERT: Herald, invite our beloved servant Taisiia to present herself, and all those who would praise her name to our counselors.

JOHANN: The Tsar, Tsaritsa, Tsarevich, and Tsarevna invite before them Dvoryanka Taisiia Sazhina Vasiliskova. 

Taisiia begins to process into court with entourage, while she is heralded by Dirk.

JOHANN: Awarded Arms by Luther and Maerwynn in AS 43; the Torse by Hirsch and Magda in AS 44; the Swan by Hirsch and Magda in AS 47; the Lily by Martino and Ariel in AS 49; and the Cross by Logan and Ylva in AS 51.

Rejoice, Calontir, for the coming of a true and faithful servant. Rejoice for the reward for service justly done!

Taisiia’s processional reaches the edge of the presence. Those people who are not part of the further ceremony peel off, while those who are speakers or gift givers move to the side to wait. 

Issabell advances to where Taisiia is waiting.

ISSABELL: Taisiia, you have been the joy of my household. You have labored in the fields of the Kingdom, called to the work of lists and office; but now you have been chosen to be recognized for it, and must leave my household. None may enter this Council of Peers beholden to another, for we must sit as equals. You will be my equal, but the bonds of our friendship cannot be broken, and your place in my house will never be in question.

Issabell says other words to Taisiia as she deems appropriate.

TAISIIA: As your protégé, I was devoted to you in love, and honored you with my deeds. As your friend, none of that will change.

Taisiia says other words to Issabell as she deems appropriate.

ISSABELL: Go now, and hear the words of those who love and support you. None are spoken in judgment, but delight in the station they are pleased to see you attain.

Issabell turns to the Thrones.

ISSABELL: Your Majesties, I bring before you those who have supported Dvoryanka Taisiia in the past, and wish to do so now. First I present Sir Volkmar, of the Duma of Chivalry.

VOLKMAR (CHIVALRY): The Streltsy of Calontir serves the Crown, on the field of war and the tournament field alike. We cannot serve without those who serve to maintain our lists and rosters; we know you have supported us in these endeavors, and we delight in welcoming you to the Gospod.

Chivalry speaker speaks other words as they deem appropriate.

ISSABELL: I bring forward BOYARINA Gyda to speak for the Duma of the Laurel.

GYDA (LAUREL): We of the Duma of the Laurel ensure that art and the pursuit of perfection flourish in the lands of Calontir. But we too cannot do so without the support of those who keep our rolls, our records, our lists of classes. We know that in addition to your art, you have supported us in these endeavors, and we delight in welcoming you to the Gospod.

Laurel speaker speaks other words as they deem appropriate.

ISSABELL: I bring forward BOYARINA Ayisha to speak for the Duma of the Order of Defense.

AYISHA (DEFENSE): As there are Streltsy in the field, so too are there regiments placed in defense of the cities, baronies, and shires. We too have seen you supporting us on the war and tournament field, ensuring our steel may be seen in defense of the falcon, and we delight in welcoming you to the Gospod.

Defense speaker speaks other words as they deem appropriate.

ISSABELL: I bring forward BOYAR Galen to speak for the Duma of the Pelican, to which Taisiia is being elevated today.

GALEN (PELICAN): Service is the heart of all of the Duma, to the people and the Crown, but ours most of all. Service of the heart, given in love, and service of the body, toiling for those who depend upon it. You have long been our sister, and we delight in welcoming you to our Duma.

Pelican speaker speaks other words as they deem appropriate.

ISSABELL: I bring forward KNIAGINIA Marie to speak for the Kniaz Duma, the closest to the throne as those who have sat it in ages past.

MARIE (ROYAL PEER): As a boyarina, you—like we are—will be part of the druzhina, the retinue of the Crown, in so far as you will be called on to advise them. Good counsel is the heart of a Prince’s reign, and many Tsar have fallen to bad counsel or selfish advice. But we know that your advice is true, and we delight in welcoming you to the Gospod.

Royal Peer speaker speaks other words as they deem appropriate.

ISSABELL: And I call forward/DVORYANKA Shandra to speak for the Veche, representatives of the people.

SHANDRA (POPULACE): Of all the councils, assemblies and parliaments, ours is the most vital. Without us, there are no streltsy; no festivals and fairs; even no Tsars. Service to us is service to all—and we know your service to us is longstanding and great. We delight in seeing you elevated to the Gospod.

Populace speaker speaks other words as they deem appropriate.

MAGGE: The peers, the people, and all the lands of the Falcon have proclaimed your worth; and now so do we. We would have your oath, and then you will be invested with the symbols of your new rank.

Taisiia kneels if able to swear her fealty oath. On the cushions.

ROBERT: You have been found worthy. Let not fear besiege your heart, for you are held in the esteem of this Kingdom.

King places his scepter on Maria’s shoulder.

ROBERT: May your skills be ever increased in service of Crown and Kingdom.

MAGGE: Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the strength of the Kingdom shall be with you wherever you go.

Queen places her scepter on Maria’s other shoulder.

MAGGE: May your gentle demeanor serve always as an example of courtesy to all who would observe you.

King and Queen cross their scepters on Maria’s head.

CROWN (TOGETHER): And may your spirit ever follow the goals your heart sets before you.

Taisiia swears the following oath upon the sword:


I, Taisiia …., hereby swear to keep full peace, accord, and faith with the Crown of Calontir, and with the Kingdom, and with the people therein. I shall keep in all these domains rightful discretion with mercy and truth, with justice and honor, with grace and joy. I shall keep, uphold, and maintain all the laws, the customs, and the counsels of the Kingdom and the Crown, and shall defend, nurture, and strengthen these in all my words and deeds. This I swear until I am released from this oath, death takes me, or the world ends, Taisiia Sazhina Vasiliskova.

CROWN: Gives the standard fealty response.

ROBERT: Now comes the promised investiture with the symbols of your station. Is there a medallion?

MEDALLION GIVER: There is, oh my Tsar. This is the medallion of your Duma, that you may be known to all who need your service. Let it always serve as a reminder of your worth, and a beacon of virtue to all who need to call upon your talents.

Medallion Giver speaks other words as they deem appropriate.

MAGGE: Is there a cloak?

BRIALEN: There is, oh my Tsaritsa. This is the cloak of a Boyar or Boyarina of the Kingdom, as ancient as the settlements by the banks of the three rivers or in the fields of the forgotten sea. A symbol, but a working garment also; may it be a reminder to always see that you are warm, so that you may spread your warmth to others.

Brialen speaks other words as appropriate.

ROBERT: And is there a hat?

LELIA: There is, my King. This symbol of your office and rank, and like the others it bears the drops of blood that symbolize your order. But never forget that to give of yourself, you must have something of yourself left. One who has given everything cannot give anything else.

Lelia speaks other words as appropriate.

MAGGE: Nothing now remains but to complete our joy. Calontir, your newest Pelican!

ROBERT: Herald, proclaim the scroll.


Come today, Calontir, let us praise a great lady. Rejoice, a glorious teacher, friend, a golden light who has shone for us in Calontir above all others.  Rejoice! She raised all Calontiri with her learned and enlightened writing. Rejoice! Like the sun, she has illuminated the darkness with the comprehension of Crown Lysts. Know, good gentles, nobles, and all honorable people of Calontir, the Great King Robert and Magnificent Queen Magge who brought to our land thousands upon thousands and countless elevations of the righteous are minded yet again to honor a worthy citizen. Behold, Taisiia Sazhina Vasiliskova, who achieved great feats of mental and physical labor for the great good of Our Kingdom, writing glorious texts, and building valiant lists bringing grace and joy with her efforts! Throughout Our kingdom she is glorified, and for these great works shall be elevated to the Divine Order of The Pelican with all rights, duties and appurtenances associated with this elevation. And these are the lands granted to her by King Robert and Queen Magge. Sixteen arpents of land with a Scriptorium in the Duchy of Fleurdarc with an equal number of books and blank journals. Twenty-four arpents of land surrounding The Papillon Retreat in the County of Pontmerci, with a cottage and meadows of wildflowers, butterflies, squirrels, beaver ruts and gyrfalcons. And finally, 3 arpents of parkland in Antioch with a reflection pool and waterfowl. Additionally, we grant her 5 gold sovereigns per annum for the purchase of gold and gemstones for the fashioning of earrings. These are hers from this day and forever. As Our word is precious, we set our sign and seal upon this document in Our Barony of Forgotten Sea, on the Feast Day of Kris Kinder, December 14, AS 58, 

Text by HG Magdalena

Calligraphy and Illumination by Mistress Finnoula

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