AoA Texts – Robert and Magge

Scroll Texts

Robert and Magge

Saito Takauji

Award of Arms (Writ)

Robert Magnus, servant of the servants of the Falcon, and Magge, beloved of the hills and plains, send to all by whom these presents come, greetings. Laudably and profitably has one of Our subjects worked, and to the greater good of all of Our realm, magnifying the name of the Falcon across the land.

Knowing well of these diverse efforts and right mindful of the esteem in which ________________ is held in Our Kingdom, We are minded to bestow upon them Arms this day. Let their noble title be recognized by all without let or hindrance.

Done on the ___ day of _________________, Anno Societatis 59, at Our court in the lands of _______________________.

________________________                                                ____________________________
King                                                                                            Queen

(Based in part on the ‘Bull of Pope Adrian IV Empowering Henry to Conquer Ireland, A.D. 1155’. Note that while the actual existence of this Bull is debated by historians, it is historically significant, and follows the form of many other Bulls.)

Award of Arms (Poetic) (USES THE INITIAL D)

Down beneath a pine tree, beside a bush of eglantine, there are placed thrones of wood and gold. Upon them are seated the King and Queen who hold sweet Calontir. The barons, peers, and nobles sit upon white cloth around them and receive their words of wisdom. They are commanded thus:

“Nobles, shall you go hence. Carry the name of those who have brought glory to the Falcon. Bring them the name of ___________________, for by Our right hands have they earned their place among us, and are awarded arms this day.”

Thus, it was done and recorded in the Song of Calontir, and the Chronicles of the Crowns of Calontir, on the ___ day of ___________________, Anno Societatis 59.

________________________                                                ____________________________
King                                                                                            Queen

(Based on the Chanson du Roland)

Torse (Writ)

Here is shown some of those things which Robert, King of Calontir, and Maggie, Queen, have established since coming to the throne. First, that above all they wish the good works and service of the subjects Kingdom to be always recognized, to preserve the Kingdom and its people with all fidelity.

To that end they have respected the rights and privileges of the Order of the Torse, maintained since time immemorial and sacred to the memory of Calontir. They decree that every noble shall be eligible for admission thereunto according to their merit. Whereby they have caused the name of ________________________ to be added to that noble order and granted inviolate the privileges thereunto without let or hindrance.

Whereby they have set their royal sign manual on this ___ day of _________________________, Anno Societatis 59.

________________________                                                ____________________________
King                                                                                            Queen

(Based on the Statutes of William the Conqueror)

Torse (Poetic)

Let all who do not wish to lead a discreditable life take up the work of the Kingdom of the Falcon, beloved of the plains and sky! All who take up the work of the Kingdom will know an honorable life, return most happy, and have glory as their companion forevermore.

One who has had their share of the work is _______________________, faithful and without folly, and their deeds have not gone unnoticed. Idle not but valiant hearted, let them be counted among the famed companions of the Order of the Torse, their just reward for faithful service.

Recorded in the great Song of Calontir and the Chronicles of its Crowns on the ___ day of ______________________, Anno Societatis 59.

________________________                                                ____________________________
King                                                                                            Queen

(Based on ‘Ahi! Amors, com dure departie/Ah, Love, how hard it will be for me to part’, a 1219 troubadour poem of the Crusades.)

Leather Mallet (Writ)

In the year Anno Societatis 59, in the first year of the most illustrious King Robert and Queen Magge, an inquest was made into the customs and dignities of the Kingdom, for the purposes of determining all those who should be admitted into the royal orders of the most noble Calontir.

Thus, it was that ___________________________ was found entitled to admission in the ancient Order of the Leather Mallet, and lawfully and justly entitled to the rights and privileges of the same.

Whereby the said Royal Majesties caused this to be read and witnessed by the dukes and counts, baronages, nobles, and elders of the Kingdom, that it may be inviolably observed forever, on the ____ day of ______________________, Anno Societatis 59.

________________________                                                ____________________________
King                                                                                            Queen

(Based on the Constitutions of Clarendon, 1164)

Leather Mallet (Poetic)

When the waters of the spring run clear, in the warmth of summer and the fine days of fall, and the flower comes forth once more on the eglantine, true things of beauty may be found. Among them are the works of ___________________, artisan true and noble child of the plains and the Falcon.

From the baronies and shires to the cantons and all the fair places, let their name be renowned and the works of their mind proclaimed. Fed on manna as if from above are those who see those things they have wrought; worthy is their name to be spoken of with the noble Order of the Leather Mallet.

Thus it was done in the flowering fields or the snowy plains of beloved Calontir, on the ___ day of ______________________, Anno Societatis 59.

________________________                                                ____________________________
King                                                                                            Queen

(Based on ‘Quan lo rius de la fontana’, by the troubadour Jaufre Rudel, mid twelfth century)

Golden Calon Swan (Writ)

By the dictates of fate and the common counsel of the peers, barons, and populace, come we, Robert and Magge, King and Queen of Calontir. Knowing well the worth of beauty and the merit of true artisan labor, Our ancestors established the Order of the Golden Calon Swan, and granted certain rights and privileges thereunto.

Wherefore we call _____________________ before the Kingdom, and grant them admittance into our order; and further grant them the right to bear the badge of the order as a sign of our favor and their good deeds.

Let no let or hindrance fall upon them in the exercise of these rights which We have granted on the _____ day of _______________________, Anno Societatis 59, on which day we set our royal sign manual.

________________________                                                ____________________________
King                                                                                            Queen

(Based on the Charter of Liberties of Henry I, 1100)

Golden Calon Swan (Poetic)

All noble subjects of the Kingdom enjoy the song of birds, in flight or lighting upon the field. The cries of the falcon and the serenading nightingale; but most of all the singing of the Golden Calon Swan, for whose beauty are the artisans of the Kingdom named.

Thus does the Crown consider noble in truth those who let us gaze upon such beauty. __________________ is one who has done so, working in art and creating renown for all Calontir. Proclaim them among the Order of the Golden Calon Swan, true as the feathers of that famous emblem.

Sealed with art and immortal joy of truth on the ____ day of ___________________, Anno Societatis 59.

________________________                                                ____________________________
King                                                                                            Queen

(Based on ‘Langquan li jorn son lonc en may’, by the troubadour Jaufre Rudel, mid twelfth century)

Stile Fyrd (Writ) (Uses the initial P)

Prizing wisdom above all, King Robert and Queen Magge, with the counsel of all their peers, barons, and officers, for the preservation of justice and the liberties of the people, decreed that an inquest should be made in all their lands to determine those worthy of further honors and privileges.

One such is ____________________, stalwart defender with sword and buckler, who has been a loyal servant of the Kingdom. Therefore, do the aforesaid King and Queen order, adjudge, and decree they shall be made a member of the Order of the Stile Fyrd forthwith, and be granted all the rights and privileges thereunto.

The Lord King and Lady Queen forbid any from interfering in these judgments, to which they set their hand on the ___ day of ___________________, Anno Societatis 59.

________________________                                                ____________________________
King                                                                                            Queen

(Based on the Assize of Clarendon, 1166)

Stile Fyrd (Poetic)

Songs are sung in the halls of warriors of the famous swords of many kingdoms. Roland and his Durendal, Charlemagne and his Curtana, and Arthur’s mighty Caliburn. King Robert has heard the tales of these blades; Queen Magge has heard the songs of their wielders.

And they have heard of one whose blade has joined that mythic band. With no equal in vanquishing the mighty, or laying low the proud, or helping and counselling the valiant. _______________________ has wielded swords clear and bright, and their skill has shone in the sunlight. So it is they are named to another band, that of the Order of the Stile Fyrd, to be remembered in story and song.

Done on the ___ day of ________________________, Anno Societatis ____, upon the fields of their Majesties’ lands of _______________________.

________________________                                                ____________________________
King                                                                                            Queen

(Based on the Song of Roland)

Iren Fyrd (Writ)

King Robert and Queen Magge, to their beloved peers, barons, officers, and faithful servants of Calontir, greetings. By the zeal of our predecessors and their warriors has the banner of the Falcon spread—in the West from whence we came, to the storm-tossed fields of Gulf, and to the plains and swamps of Aethelmearc.

But as Our voices did summon the bravest and strongest warriors before, so We know that the valour of the parents has not diminished in the children. For _______________________ has answered the sounding of the royal trump and did provide for the deliverance of the people. For this great valor are they named to the Order of the Iren Fyrd.

Done by our hand and under our sign manual this ____ day of ______________________, Anno Societatis 59.

________________________                                                ____________________________
King                                                                                            Queen

(Based on the Summons to a Crusade of Eugene III, 1154, launching the second Crusade)

Iren Fyrd (Poetic) (Uses the initial S)

Seated in an Orchard, surrounded by his Knights and warriors, rules King Robert; by his side his Queen, Magge. Stag born and Falcon called, they are confident and joyful. Their warriors have claimed a great prize of gold, and silver, and costly armor. But one comes forward, the first to speak, and says:

“Oh, glorious ones, may your Kingdom prosper forever, there is one who should be seated among us. ________________________ has fought beneath your banner loyally, and we petition that they be named among our number as a member of the Iren Fyrd.”

Thus did Robert and Magge in their wisdom decree it so, and put their signs and seals upon the page to see it done on the ____ day of ____________________, Anno Societatis 59.

________________________                                                ____________________________
King                                                                                            Queen

(Based on the Song of Roland)

Eo Fyrd (Writ)

By the zeal of the elders of the Kingdom were the liberties of the Falcon secured. King Robert and Queen Magge exhort all those of the Kingdom to forget not the courageous heart shown in the ancient days of the Kingdom; and they call for a flourishing of courage among all those who take the field.

Moreover, that a record of those who have loyally served may be had in accordance with law and custom, do they name their true subject _________________________ to their Order of the Eo Fyrd, for their long service with horse and lance within the Kingdom and without.

To wit they have set their royal sign manual this ____ day of _____________________, Anno Societatis 59.

________________________                                                ____________________________
King                                                                                            Queen

(Based on the summons to a Crusade of Eugene III, 1154, and the Constitutions of Clarendon, 1164)

Eo Fyrd (Poetic)

The Kingdom of Calontir has good and noble horses for their saddle, adroit in combat and full of spirit. Some the fastest of the mountain steeds, others the prettiest ever seen; none would be parted with for gold or silver, for the sighs of their riders and the cries of the Kingdom.

_________________ has ridden these charging destriers, steeds both fierce and shy, and no equal among the companions have been found. Oh Kingdom, calls Robert, commend them to that number. Oh Calontir, calls Magge, commit them to the songs of the Eo Fyrd.

Thus was this vers penned and sung, that none might forget what was done on the ____ day of __________________, remembered now forever among Kingdom and herd.

________________________                                                ____________________________
King                                                                                            Queen

(Based on ‘Companho, faray un vers,’ a troubadour song from Guillaume IX, Count of Poitiers, 1071-1127).

Boga Fyrd (Writ)

King Robert our sovereign Lord, and his true Queen Magge, calling to their most noble and gracious remembrance that by the feat and exercise of the subjects of this their realm in the shooting of long bows the realm hath been continually defended from invasion and insurrection, and desiring that the same shall be true in all times, hath decreed that the practice of archery shall be extended throughout the Kingdom.

Wherefor they hath also ordained that there shall be among the Kingdom an Order of the Boga Fyrd, to see to it that the members of the kingdom do use and exercise in the shooting of longbows. And to this number by their royal decree they add the name of _________________, who has trained well and seen to the training of others in this most noble art, and practiced it upon myriad fields in defense of crown and kingdom.

Done by the royal sign manual on the _____ day of _______________________, Anno Societatis, and sealed in accordance with all law and custom.

________________________                                                ____________________________
King                                                                                            Queen

(Based on ‘An Act Concerning Shooting in Long Bows,’ Henry VIII, 1511)

Boga Fyrd (Poetic)

‘Then came forward _____________________, and proclaimed to the Crown: “Give me the bow you hold in your hand, for I know that none will be able to reproach me for my conduct on the field so long as I carry a bow in the name of Calontir.”

Thereafter, among the high mountains and valleys dark, the deserts dry and fertile fields as far astride as Aethelmearc, none who saw the deeds of bow and arrow done that day could doubt. And thus, the Crown did name their subject to the Order of the Boga Fyrd, that none may hear the strum of their bow and fear not.’

This passage read forth from the Chronicles of the Crowns of Calontir on the ____ day of ______________________, Anno Societatis 59, that the wisdom contained therein may never be forgotten.

________________________                                                ____________________________
King                                                                                            Queen

(Based on the Song of Roland)

Queen’s Chalice

In the sweetness of this new season, each leaf turned out and each bird singing in its own language, are many delights to be found. _____________________ is a delight even among all those things good and beautiful; the first steps of the doe, the first run of the colt, and the first sign of good works to come in fair Calontir.

Thus does Magge, butterfly Queen, stag born and Falcon called, take from her own treasury a cup—a Queen’s Chalice—and give it unto this most excellent subject, so that all may know they hold the esteem of the Queen.

Given on the ___ day of ___________________________, Anno Societatis 59, being 20__ in the common reckoning.



(Based on ‘Ab la dolchor del temps novel’, a troubadour song from Guillaume IX, Count of Poitiers, 1071-1127)

Purple Feather

When the ice and cold and snow retreat, and spring regreens in all the fields and plains of Calontir, are all pleased to hear the calling of the birds. None more so than that noble bird which leaves behind its purple feathers, after which an order of youthful artisans is named.

________________________ has begun an exploration of the arts, works fulfilled in beautiful colors. No flower has ever come forth more pure on any branch seen in the Kingdom. Let them be named, then, to the Order of the Purple Feather, for they are as incomparable as that fair emblem and deserve to be among its number.

Done on the ___ day of _____________________________, Anno Societatis 59, being 20__ in the common reckoning.

________________________                                                ____________________________
King                                                                                            Queen

(Based on ‘Can lo glatz e-l frechs e la neus’, by troubadour Giraut de Bornelh, 1165-after 1211)

Purple Jess

Time comes and turns and go, and those who were young once grow wise and studied. And in turn come those youth again in their own turn, nobly formed and taking upon themselves burden of others with naught but the likeness of joy.

____________________ is one who has served in this turning of the seasons, with all the vigor of youth. That their service might be rewarded as appropriate have Robert and Magge, King and Queen of Calontir, maintained the Order of the Purple Jess established by their royal forebears; and grant it unto their loyal servant this day.

Done on the ___ day of _____________________________, Anno Societatis 59, being 20__ in the common reckoning.

________________________                                                ____________________________
King                                                                                            Queen

(Based loosely on ‘Lo tems vai e ven e vire’, by troubadour Bernart de Ventadorn, 1150-1180).

Falcon’s Claw

King Robert, powerful in battle, and Queen Magge, just in war, heads of a warrior house stretching four kingdoms, to all the companies of the armies of Calontir send greetings!

Knowing well that the future of the army is in the youth of the Kingdom, Our royal forebears established the Order of the Falcon’s Claw for those who show promise and dedication to the fighting arts. Knowing well of the diverse efforts of _____________________, We are minded this day to bestow upon them entrance into the Order, and the right to bear its badge. Watch them closely, oh children of the Falcon, for We expect from them great deeds in days to come.

Done on the ___ day of ____________________________, Anno Societatis 59, being 20__ in the common reckoning.

________________________                                                ____________________________
King                                                                                            Queen

(Based on traditional letters patent and writ formats as a whole, rather than a specific example)

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